Atlanta , GA

LEADERSHIP: How Do You Ensure Your Words and Actions Align?

Growth and Purpose

LEADERSHIP: How Do You Ensure Your Words and Actions Align?

#QualityLeadership #FreeThinking #EOT #PCC #EffectiveLeadership #CARE #GiveADamn

Seeing is believing. You knowing what I’m talking about: there’s something rich about our actions matching our words.

Leaders can talk all day long. However, what leaders say mean more when their actions and words are congruent.

For me as an effective [quality] leader, I do the following the ensure that my actions match my words:

  • I’m not quick to judge; I seek to understand.
  • I listen for understanding to help me respond appropriately.
  • I think before I speak.
  • If I don’t know; I say “I don’t know.” Then, I ask for help from people who do, and follow-up accordingly.
  • I don’t make promises; I respond honestly with integrity and compassion.

As an effective [quality] leader, what do you do to ensure that your words and actions directly align?

More in: In the Game: Careers & Executives > Barnes & Noble , Amazon